Meeting the needs of medical staff and patients
The Vivo 55 is an advanced homecare ventilator designed to deliver secure and comfortable treatment to patients from 10 kg. The Vivo 55 can be used for a wide variety of patients, both life-support and non life-support, thanks to a comprehensive set of modes, circuits and accessories.
The Vivo 55 is designed to meet the needs both of medical staff and a wide range of patients. It combines comfortable and controllable ventilation with excellent monitoring capabilities to potentially reduce readmissions to acute care facilities. The extensive monitoring capabilities help obtain a better insight into the quality of ventilation. The Vivo 55 is an excellent choice for mechanical ventilation at home, in the hospital and in long-term care facilities. The Vivo 55 is prepared for connection to Breas cloud solutions.
Service is essential to keep medical equipment operational and safe. Our Nordic service team consists of experienced service technicians stationed across the Nordic countries. Our service technicians are ready to take on your every service need.”
The dual-valved LiteAire MDI holding chamber: Collapsible, disposable paperboard design.
The LiteAire® collapsible MDI holding chamber is a unique MDI holding chamber and an innovative alternative. LiteAire’s unique dual-valved MDI holding chamber design delivers pop-up convenience and effective drug output at a fraction of the cost of most plastic holding chambers. In many clinical settings, the LiteAire can reduce costs by replacing existing rigid plastic holding chambers or inefficient spacers with a paperboard alternative. The unique design allows the LiteAire to be reused by a patient over multiple doses and meets and often exceeds the performance of plastic holding chambers.
Anesthesia breathing circuit and kits
Limb-O™ single limb anesthesia breathing circuit and kits. Each Limb-O™ circuit is divided by a flexible septum running the length of the tube. Limb-O™ effectively transfers heat from the expiratory to the inspiratory side of the circuit. Increased thermal efficiency rates during surgery keeps gases warm and body temperature normothermic.
Less weight means less torque on the ET tube and less plastic is being used. Decreased compliance helps lead to accurate delivered volume. Accomplish more with less as the single limb design services pediatric through adult patients. Limb-O™ as all Vyaire circuits are made without latex.
Top-of-the-range activity monitor
The ActiGraph GT9X Link captures and records high resolution human activity information using a solid state 3-axis MEMS accelerometer and our proprietary filtering algorithm. The GT9X Link is our most sophisticated activity monitor and represents a significant upgrade from previous models. Building on our validated physical activity and sleep measurement platform, it has been redesigned with a rich set of new features along with multiple new channels of sensor data captured by gyroscope, magnetometer and secondary accelerometer. High resolution LCD screen, Bluetooth® for wireless data capture and uploads to ActiGraph’s mobile applications makes GTX9 Link the most versatile and user-friendly activity monitor in our range. It is fully backward compatible with previous device models to ensure data comparability for our existing clients.
Reliable respiration monitoring
The SISS BABYCONTROL monitors respiration of babies and infants and can thus provide reliable assistance against «Sudden Infant Death». High reliability, simple operation and convenient size make the SISS BABYCONTROL® a universally applicable instrument for baby monitoring in hospitals or at home.
Being prepared
Still today, “Sudden Infant Death” is an unforeseeable occurrence. 80% of the affected infants are entirely healthy beforehand. Only 20% are from so-called risk groups (former premature births or babies already suffering from life-threatening conditions or with a «Sudden Infant Death» among close relatives). Only a prompt alarm in the event of irregularities provides the chance to apply life-saving measures within the shortest possible time. Such measures should be learned beforehand in special courses.
Timik ApS
Sivlandvænget 27B, st. th.
5260 Odense S
Tel: +45 8230 6700 36089210