A fresh breath of air
Pinnacle is a peak flow meter which measures the patient’s maximum speed of expiration, or peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR or PEF). The Pinnacle Peak Flow Meter helps asthma patients breathe more freely. Measuring both PEFR and PEF, it provides doctors with important insight into the severity and development of the condition, making it easier to prescribe adequate treatment. Made from medical grade polymers and stainless steel, the Pinnacle is a durable, reliable and easy-to-use device that is used worldwide to help give asthma patients a fresh breath of air.
Peak flow readings are higher when patients are well, and lower when the airways are constricted. From changes in recorded values, patients and doctors may determine lung functionality, severity of asthma symptoms, and treatment options.
People with asthma may benefit from regular peak flow monitoring. When peak flow is being monitored regularly, the results may be recorded on a monthly peak flow chart (supplied with Pinnacle).
The Pinnacle peak flow meter family is now used worldwide. It was designed specifically to meet and exceed demanding new International Standards.
Service is essential to keep medical equipment operational and safe. Our Nordic service team consists of experienced service technicians stationed across the Nordic countries. Our service technicians are ready to take on your every service need.”
Delivering Confidence and Simplicity during Neuromuscular Blockade
TetraGraph is a quantitative neuromuscular transmission monitor based on electromyography (EMG). The TetraGraph monitor stimulates, measures, analyzes and displays muscle function in surgical patients receiving neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs). NMBAs are used in almost 50% of surgical cases. Inadequate reversal of NMBAs can lead to residual neuromuscular blockade (RNMB). RNMB delays recovery and can lead to life-threatening complications. To prevent complications, quantitative neuromuscular monitoring is rapidly becoming the standard of care when NMBAs are administered.
2-in-1 NIV plus High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC)
Fabian Therapy evolution is a 2-in-1 device. It is a small wonder. The fabian Therapy evolution is our NIV dedicated system packed in a small yet powerful package, making it ideal for NICU, PICU and transport applications.
A wide choice of NIV-ventilation modes for all your needs and compatible with the most popular NIV interfaces available today.
NIV plus High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) available in one device for an easy and safe weaning program.
Ventilation beyond limits
Advanced nCPAP and DuoPAP modes, for nasal ventilation, with automatic leak compensation, two-level CPAP mode improves CO2removal.
Comfy®, positioning nest
Innovative positioning aids in four different sizes. They stabilize, are very soft, extremely hygienic and support the infant’s neurophysiological maturation through appropriate body orientation. While supportive positioning in prone, supine and side-lying positions promotes musculoskeletal development, it also conveys a sense of security and comfort.
The specially designed head and foot pieces can be individually adjusted, with stabilization facilitated by snap fasteners. This frees NICU nurses from the need to use makeshift solutions that consume a lot of time and effort. This product has been developed in collaboration with the University Hospital Tübingen as well. The work of the neonatal ward is oriented to the development-promoting and individualized training programmes of the NIDCAP whose pioneering guidelines have been adopted. It is tested and certified according to Oeko-Tex®Standard100
Solution for continuous core temperature monitoring
The temperature variable is a key indicator of the patient’s febrile state. The continuous nature of the measurement is quite difficult to obtain and only a few restrictive devices (rectal, esophageal probes, etc.) allow continuous core temperature monitoring.
eCelsius Medical, class IIB medical device, is a miniaturized electronic ingestible capsule that transmits core temperature data continuously. The capsule communicates in real time with a dedicated monitor, e-Viewer Medical, at a sampling period of 30 seconds. This monitor allows data recording, and an alert may be triggered if a threshold has been exceeded. The communication distance between the capsule and the monitor ranges from 1 to 3m (depending on environment and patient).
The capsule also has its own memory. In the case of a communication disruption between the monitor and the capsule, an a posteriori automatic synchronization of the data is performed.
Timik ApS
Sivlandvænget 27B, st. th.
5260 Odense S
Tel: +45 8230 6700
Org.nr 36089210