Take your temperature management measures to the next level
enFlow IV fluid and blood warming system – The right temperature, in the right place, at the right time
The enFlow IV fluid and blood warming system helps maintain patients’ core body temperatures throughout the entire perioperative experience. This capability helps minimize the incidence of patient hypothermia.
The system automatically warms fluids to 40 ± 2 °C with multiple sensors to ensure fluid temperature accuracy.
The enFlow IV fluid and blood warming system helps maintain patients’ core body temperatures throughout the entire perioperative experience.
The small single-patient-use cartridge remains in-line for continous patient warming, across the care continuum
Easy to use, the system rapidly warms fluids to the temperature set point, so you do not need to wait on warming.
Preoperative warming reduces the impact of heat redistribution caused by anesthesia, leading to a more stable core temperature when your patient reaches the postanesthesia care unit (PACU)⁸.
Outpatient procedures
Hypothermic patients, on average, take 40 minutes longer to recover⁵. Hypothermia can occur in up to 90% of all surgeries³. Nearly half of all surgeries are take place in the outpatient setting), it is imperative that patients recover safely and quickly to streamline the demand on surgical services.
Normothermic patients are less prone to postoperative cardiac events and leave the PACU earlier than those suffering from hypothermia¹¹ ¹².
Each liter of intravenous fluid infused into adult patients at an ambient temperature decreases the mean body temperature by approximately 0.25°C². Trauma patients often arrive in a hypothermic state and continue to lose body heat during examination by healthcare providers. Warming blood and IV fluids will help maintain normothermia, which can reduce the risks associated with a core temperature below 36°C⁹.
Hypothermia reduces resistance to surgical wound infections² ¹³ ¹⁴. Fluids or blood may continue to be delivered in the ICU where patients remain at risk from the effects of hypothermia.
Labor and delivery
Studies looking at the impact of perioperative warming on women undergoing cesarean delivery with epidural anesthesia found that maternal and fetal hypothermia were prevented, maternal shivering was reduced and umbilical vein pH was improved¹⁰.
The enFlow system is small, designed to be easy to transport along with the patient as they move from department to department throughout the hospital.
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The dual-valved LiteAire MDI holding chamber: Collapsible, disposable paperboard design.
The LiteAire® collapsible MDI holding chamber is a unique MDI holding chamber and an innovative alternative. LiteAire’s unique dual-valved MDI holding chamber design delivers pop-up convenience and effective drug output at a fraction of the cost of most plastic holding chambers. In many clinical settings, the LiteAire can reduce costs by replacing existing rigid plastic holding chambers or inefficient spacers with a paperboard alternative. The unique design allows the LiteAire to be reused by a patient over multiple doses and meets and often exceeds the performance of plastic holding chambers.
A fresh breath of air
Pinnacle is a peak flow meter which measures the patient’s maximum speed of expiration, or peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR or PEF). The Pinnacle Peak Flow Meter helps asthma patients breathe more freely. Measuring both PEFR and PEF, it provides doctors with important insight into the severity and development of the condition, making it easier to prescribe adequate treatment. Made from medical grade polymers and stainless steel, the Pinnacle is a durable, reliable and easy-to-use device that is used worldwide to help give asthma patients a fresh breath of air.
Powering high performance aerosol drug delivery
Throughout the hospital, the Aerogen Pro-X Controller powers the Aerogen Solo in one easy to use device. Powering Aerogen technology at every stage of patient care including mechanical ventilation, HFNC, NIV, and spontaneous breathing. The Aerogen Pro-X Controller portable power source with 30-minute and continuous modes is specifically designed to provide high-performance aerosol medication treatments throughout the hospital.
Reliable respiration monitoring
The SISS BABYCONTROL monitors respiration of babies and infants and can thus provide reliable assistance against «Sudden Infant Death». High reliability, simple operation and convenient size make the SISS BABYCONTROL® a universally applicable instrument for baby monitoring in hospitals or at home.
Being prepared
Still today, “Sudden Infant Death” is an unforeseeable occurrence. 80% of the affected infants are entirely healthy beforehand. Only 20% are from so-called risk groups (former premature births or babies already suffering from life-threatening conditions or with a «Sudden Infant Death» among close relatives). Only a prompt alarm in the event of irregularities provides the chance to apply life-saving measures within the shortest possible time. Such measures should be learned beforehand in special courses.
Timik ApS
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5260 Odense S
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