Redefining respiratory patient treatment
A real first in the field of precision aerosol drug delivery, the Aerogen Solo is redefining respiratory patient treatment for healthcare professionals worldwide. Post Ventilation Care for patient’s inhalation treatments after ventilation, the Aerogen Ultra is a handheld device designed to enable the Aerogen Solo to deliver optimal aerosol therapy² and can be used during the weaning process¹.
Emergency Care for patient’s requiring fast and effective inhalation medication delivery during exacerbations, the Aerogen Ultra delivers inhaled medication faster than traditional methods such as jet nebulization² ⁴.
Better Lung Deposition – The Aerogen Ultra, with an innovative aerosol chamber, effectively delivers inhaled medication to the patient². Aerogen Ultra can be used with a mouthpiece or mask, with or without O2 depending on the patient treatment needs¹.
Product features
The Aerogen Ultra in combination with the Aerogen Solo provides faster and improved patient response by delivering more medication, in less time compared to traditional nebulization¹⁰ ¹¹ ¹². The Aerogen Ultra has been shown to reduce the number of treatments required for symptom control⁴ ¹⁰ leading to higher discharge rates and lower admission rates, all compared to traditional jet nebulization⁴ ¹⁹.
Cross-over study comparing aerosol delivery to the lungs using two nebulizers: Aerogen Solo with Aerogen Ultra and a traditional jet nebulizer in six healthy subjects. Pulmonary aerosol deposition was increased with the Aerogen Solo as compared with the jet nebulizer (34.1 ± 6.0% versus 5.2 ± 1.1%, p < 0.001)⁴.
Fewer treatments, faster discharge, decrease in admissions, improved outcomes, decreased admission rates for pediatric patients under emergency care compared to the jet nebulizer⁴ ¹⁹.
With control and consistency of treatment critical during ventilation, the Aerogen Solo maintains a closed ventilation circuit with a medication reservoir positioned above the circuit and the medication reservoir is isolated from the patient circuit⁹ which enables drug delivery without breaking the circuit and minimizes nebulization of contaminated fluids⁹ ¹³and the associated risk of de-recruitment of the lungs²².
Service is essential to keep medical equipment operational and safe. Our Nordic service team consists of experienced service technicians stationed across the Nordic countries. Our service technicians are ready to take on your every service need.”
Nasal PAP ventilation system
The SuperNO2VA nasal PAP ventilation system uses the flow from any oxygen source. Delivers positive airway pressure to stent open the upper airway, allowing for the preoperative delivery of positive pressure ventilation and oxygen for patients with a decreased level of consciousness. The SuperNO2VA™ nasal PAP ventilation device is available in medium and large sizes and is offered as a standalone mask with a head strap and as a system, kitted with a hyperinflation bag. These configurations offer flexibility as it allows the SuperNO2VA™ nasal PAP ventilation device to be used with either an anesthesia machine or with only an oxygen flow meter.
A Non-Contact Leader in Temperature Measurement reducing Infection With Non-Contact Technology. A precision-engineered tool, designed to positively impact and better manage infection across healthcare globally. TRITEMP has proven to be the best temperature measuring solution for a wide variety of healthcare customers and medical facilities. TRITEMP directly improve the lives of patients, nurses, hospitals, healthcare and the planet. Frontline staff deserve the best tools so that they can in turn, deliver the highest patient care.
A fresh breath of air
Pinnacle is a peak flow meter which measures the patient’s maximum speed of expiration, or peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR or PEF). The Pinnacle Peak Flow Meter helps asthma patients breathe more freely. Measuring both PEFR and PEF, it provides doctors with important insight into the severity and development of the condition, making it easier to prescribe adequate treatment. Made from medical grade polymers and stainless steel, the Pinnacle is a durable, reliable and easy-to-use device that is used worldwide to help give asthma patients a fresh breath of air.
Powering high performance aerosol drug delivery
Throughout the hospital, the Aerogen Pro-X Controller powers the Aerogen Solo in one easy to use device. Powering Aerogen technology at every stage of patient care including mechanical ventilation, HFNC, NIV, and spontaneous breathing. The Aerogen Pro-X Controller portable power source with 30-minute and continuous modes is specifically designed to provide high-performance aerosol medication treatments throughout the hospital.
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