Groundbreaking aerosol drug delivery
Aerogen Solo delivers more effective and controlled treatment, lowering risk of exposure. The Aerogen Solo delivers more inhaled medication to the lungs⁴, in less time ⁵, with less residual volume,7 compared to jet nebulizers, giving confidence in a more effective and controlled treatment.
The medication reservoir is isolated from the breathing circuit which minimizes nebulization of contaminated fluids¹. The risk of exposure to bioaerosols is reduced because the need to open the circuit is eliminated⁸.
The Aerogen Solo delivers more effective medication throughout the hospital through mechanical ventilation and non-invasive support such as non-invasive ventilation (NIV), high flow therapies (HFNC) and spontaneously breathing patients¹⁻⁷.
The Aerogen Solo is uniquely designed remaining in place during ventilation⁸. This closed system requires minimal management and can be left inline reducing staff handling and workload⁷ ¹⁰. Easy to set up and virtually silent operation, with no added flow required⁷.
… 6x more medication for spontaneously breathing patients4 than a traditional jet nebulizer in six healthy subjects. Pulmonary aerosol deposition was increased with the Aerogen Solo as compared with the jet nebulizer (34.1 ± 6.0% versus 5.2 ± 1.1%, p < 0.001).4
The Aerogen Ultra in combination with the Aerogen Solo provides faster and improved patient response by delivering more medication, in less time compared to traditional nebulization¹⁰ ¹¹ ¹². The Aerogen Ultra has been shown to reduce the number of treatments required for symptom control⁴ ¹⁰ leading to higher discharge rates and lower admission rates, all compared to traditional jet nebulization⁴ ¹⁰ ¹⁹.
Compared to traditional jet nebulization, Aerogen delivers:
• More inhaled medication delivered to the lung in nearly half the time in a COPD model¹².
• 85% of patients achieve symptom control with one 2.5mg salbutamol dose¹⁰.
• 37-minute median reduction in ED length of stay¹⁰.
Aerogen is the only closed-circuit aerosol drug delivery system that mitigates the transmission of patient-generated infectious aerosol¹ ².
Aerogen effectively delivers inhalation medication² ³ ⁴. With 5x more medication delivered to the lungs¹⁴ compared to a jet nebulizer¹⁵ and higher inhaled mass in an adult mechanical ventilation model with Aerogen compared to pMDI¹⁶.
Aerogen is recommended for use by many of the world’s leading mechanical ventilation companies including Dräger, GE, Hamilton Medical, Maquet, Medtronic, and Philips.
¹² ¹² ¹²
¹⁰ ¹¹ ¹²³ ⁰⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸⁹
Multiple clinical studies have demonstrated that Aerogen improves clinical outcomes in both pediatric and adult patients decreasing admission rates⁴ ¹⁰, providing better and faster symptom.4 and bronchodilator response⁴ ⁵ ¹⁰, all compared to the traditional jet nebulizer⁶ ⁷ ¹¹ ¹⁹. Nearly⁴ times more medication delivered to the lungs via NIV and HFNC, compared to a jet nebulizer¹⁶ ¹⁷ ¹⁸.
To meet the needs of the patient’s treatment, the Aerogen Solo delivers inhaled medication easily integrated into multiple respiratory systems⁹ ¹⁴ ²¹. As a single patient use device, the Aerogen Solo can be used for up to 28 days⁹ across multiple therapies, delivering optimal lung deposition¹⁶ ¹⁷ ¹⁸.
Fewer treatments, faster discharge, decrease in admissions, improved outcomes, decreased admission rates for pediatric patients under emergency care compared to the jet nebulizer⁴ ¹⁹.
With control and consistency of treatment critical during ventilation, the Aerogen Solo maintains a closed ventilation circuit with a medication reservoir positioned above the circuit and the medication reservoir is isolated from the patient circuit⁹ which enables drug delivery without breaking the circuit and minimizes nebulization of contaminated fluids⁹ ¹³and the associated risk of de-recruitment of the lungs²².
Service is essential to keep medical equipment operational and safe. Our Nordic service team consists of experienced service technicians stationed across the Nordic countries. Our service technicians are ready to take on your every service need.”
The compact and intuitive AG CUFFILL device is the most accurate solution for measuring both pressure and volume of tracheal cuffs in all conditions. Its pocket-size, syringe-like design allows a simple and easy operation by medical professionals, including first-responders and hospital staff, and by users in the home care environment.
Key Features
The fabian HFO evolution is Acutronic’s 4-in-1 device. From the delivery room to the NICU: the fabian HFO offers the best-in-class ventilation modalities in a single device.
A true modular system with choice of ventilation modes for the ventilator configuration you need – more can be added and «enabled» whenever desired.
A clear, bright touch-TFT display – visible at any angle and distance – with intuitive commands reduces human error and puts the focus back on the baby.
All operation procedures are carried out by a direct, time-saving and easy to understand «one-touch» principle.
A fresh breath of air
Pinnacle is a peak flow meter which measures the patient’s maximum speed of expiration, or peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR or PEF). The Pinnacle Peak Flow Meter helps asthma patients breathe more freely. Measuring both PEFR and PEF, it provides doctors with important insight into the severity and development of the condition, making it easier to prescribe adequate treatment. Made from medical grade polymers and stainless steel, the Pinnacle is a durable, reliable and easy-to-use device that is used worldwide to help give asthma patients a fresh breath of air.
Nesty®, cover for heated beds.
Warmth and comfort right from the beginning with our positioning nests specifically developed for the various warming systems. The innovative nest cover is suitable for use of warming pads and water mattresses and supports the thermal treatment of preterm and new-born infants. The soft positioning ring on the headpiece is fixed to the bed’s surface and can be flexibly adjusted to the baby’s head size by means of press fasteners – supporting the baby’s position and giving the little patient a sense of security and comfort. The nest cover comes in various patterns and satisfies all clinical washing and hygienic requirements.
Fits all commonly used baby warming system (e.g Cosytherm, KanMed, Amecosy).
Timik ApS
Sivlandvænget 27B, st. th.
5260 Odense S
Tel: +45 8230 6700 36089210