
Aerogen Solo

Groundbreaking aerosol drug delivery
Aerogen Solo delivers more effective and controlled treatment, lowering risk of exposure. The Aerogen Solo delivers more inhaled medication to the lungs⁴, in less time ⁵, with less residual volume,7 compared to jet nebulizers, giving confidence in a more effective and controlled treatment.
The medication reservoir is isolated from the breathing circuit which minimizes nebulization of contaminated fluids¹. The risk of exposure to bioaerosols is reduced because the need to open the circuit is eliminated⁸.
The Aerogen Solo delivers more effective medication throughout the hospital through mechanical ventilation and non-invasive support such as non-invasive ventilation (NIV), high flow therapies (HFNC) and spontaneously breathing patients¹⁻⁷.
The Aerogen Solo is uniquely designed remaining in place during ventilation⁸. This closed system requires minimal management and can be left inline reducing staff handling and workload⁷ ¹⁰. Easy to set up and virtually silent operation, with no added flow required⁷.

  • 4 times more medication delivered to patients’ lungs¹
  • Quick & easy to set-up with no added flow
  • Suitable for solutions, suspensions, proteins & peptides
  • Virtually silent operation

Aerogen Solo with Ultra delivers…

… 6x more medication for spontaneously breathing patients4 than a traditional jet nebulizer in six healthy subjects. Pulmonary aerosol deposition was increased with the Aerogen Solo as compared with the jet nebulizer (34.1 ± 6.0% versus 5.2 ± 1.1%, p < 0.001).4

  • Operates with ventilated and non-ventilated patients when coupled with the Aerogen Ultra.
  • Single patient use for up to 28 days intermittent or 7 days continuous.
  • Powered by the Aerogen Pro-X Controller for continuous use or the Aerogen USB Controller for intermittent use.
  • Does not heat or degrade medication. Suitable for solutions, suspensions, proteins and peptides.

Patients with acute respiratory exacerbations – Fast, effective treatments

The Aerogen Ultra in combination with the Aerogen Solo provides faster and improved patient response by delivering more medication, in less time compared to traditional nebulization¹⁰ ¹¹ ¹². The Aerogen Ultra has been shown to reduce the number of treatments required for symptom control⁴ ¹⁰ leading to higher discharge rates and lower admission rates, all compared to traditional jet nebulization⁴ ¹⁰ ¹⁹.

Compared to traditional jet nebulization, Aerogen delivers:
• More inhaled medication delivered to the lung in nearly half the time in a COPD model¹².
• 85% of patients achieve symptom control with one 2.5mg salbutamol dose¹⁰.
• 37-minute median reduction in ED length of stay¹⁰.



Patients mechanically ventilated – Safety, effective, trusted

Aerogen is the only closed-circuit aerosol drug delivery system that mitigates the transmission of patient-generated infectious aerosol¹ ².
Aerogen effectively delivers inhalation medication² ³ ⁴. With 5x more medication delivered to the lungs¹⁴ compared to a jet nebulizer¹⁵ and higher inhaled mass in an adult mechanical ventilation model with Aerogen compared to pMDI¹⁶.
Aerogen is recommended for use by many of the world’s leading mechanical ventilation companies including Dräger, GE, Hamilton Medical, Maquet, Medtronic, and Philips.


¹² ¹² ¹²

¹⁰ ¹¹ ¹²³ ⁰⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸⁹

Proven effectiveness respiratory patients

Multiple clinical studies have demonstrated that Aerogen improves clinical outcomes in both pediatric and adult patients decreasing admission rates⁴ ¹⁰, providing better and faster symptom.4 and bronchodilator response⁴ ⁵ ¹⁰, all compared to the traditional jet nebulizer⁶ ⁷ ¹¹ ¹⁹. Nearly⁴ times more medication delivered to the lungs via NIV and HFNC, compared to a jet nebulizer¹⁶ ¹⁷ ¹⁸.
To meet the needs of the patient’s treatment, the Aerogen Solo delivers inhaled medication easily integrated into multiple respiratory systems⁹ ¹⁴ ²¹. As a single patient use device, the Aerogen Solo can be used for up to 28 days⁹ across multiple therapies, delivering optimal lung deposition¹⁶ ¹⁷ ¹⁸.

Paediatric – Asthmatics Patients – Fewer treatments, faster discharge, decrease in admissions, improved outcomes

Fewer treatments, faster discharge, decrease in admissions, improved outcomes, decreased admission rates for pediatric patients under emergency care compared to the jet nebulizer⁴ ¹⁹.
With control and consistency of treatment critical during ventilation, the Aerogen Solo maintains a closed ventilation circuit with a medication reservoir positioned above the circuit and the medication reservoir is isolated from the patient circuit⁹ which enables drug delivery without breaking the circuit and minimizes nebulization of contaminated fluids⁹ ¹³and the associated risk of de-recruitment of the lungs²².

  • Minimizes your disposables spend as no rebreathing bag, Co2 absorber or tubes are needed.
  • Automatic leak detection.
  • Workflow-driven: No preparation time before starting the test and automatic switched to the next sequence during the measurement.
  • Differentiation of fast and slow lung compartments.
  • Measurement of Lung Clearance Index (LCI) to diagnose patients with small airway diseases.

Paediatric – Asthmatics Patients – Fewer treatments, faster discharge, decrease in admissions, improved outcomes

  1. 1. Dunne RB, Shortt S. Comparison of bronchodilator administration with vibrating mesh nebulizer and standard jet nebulizer in the emergency department. Am J Emerg Med 2018; 4: 641–646. 2. Moody GB, Luckett PM, Shockley CM, Huang R, Ari A. Clinical Efficacy of Vibrating Mesh and Jet Nebulizers With Different Interfaces in Pediatric Subjects With Asthma. Respir Care 2020; : respcare.07538. 3.Cantu T, et al. Quality Improvement Project to Compare Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer Therapy With Hour Long Jet Nebulizer Therapy for Albuterol Delivery in Asthma and Reactive Airway Disorder Patients in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Respiratory Care October 2019, 64 (Suppl 10) 3238888. 4. Dugernier J, Hesse M, Vanbever R, Depoortere V, Roeseler J, Michotte JB et al. SPECT-CT Comparison of Lung Deposition using a System combining a Vibrating-mesh Nebulizer with a Valved Holding Chamber and a Conventional Jet Nebulizer: a Randomized Cross-over Study. Pharm Res 2017; 34: 290–300 5. Hickin S, Mac Loughlin R, Sweeney L, Tatham A, Gidwani S. Comparison of mesh nebulizer versus jet nebulizer in simulated adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Poster Coll Emerg Med Clin Excell Conf 2014. 6. Abdelrahim ME, Plant P, Chrystyn H. In-vitro characterisation of the nebulised dose during non-invasive ventilation. J Pharm Pharmacol 2010;62(8):966–972 7.Aerogen Instruction Manual 8. Ari A. Practical strategies for a safe and effective delivery of aerosolized medications to patients with COVID-19. Med. 2020; 167. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2020.105987. 9. Dugernier J, Reychler G, Wittebole X, et al. Aerosol delivery with two ventilation modes during mechanical ventilation: a randomized study. Ann Intensive Care 2016;6(1):73 10. Miller A, Epstein D. Safe bronchodilator treatment in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients: A single center experience. J. Crit. Care. 2020; 58: 56–57.


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