
Point of Care blood analysis as a tool to enhance pre-hospital care

Online webinar

20 March from 11:30-12:00 CET

Learn about epoc Blood Analysis System and how it is used as decision support in the ambulance helicopters in Sweden.

We are pleased to invite you to a webinar focused on the epoc Blood Analyser and how it is used in the Helicopter Emergency setting in region Värmland in Sweden. Our guest speaker, Henrik Beckman, Doctor and Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, will introduce us to the clinical setting, how they are working with the epoc Blood analyzer in the helicopter and ambulance and some of the use cases, where decision support is needed to improve the patient care.

Who should attend the webinar:

Healthcare Professionals in the pre-hospital and ambulance settings, Laboratory technicians and Point-of-Care coordinators and others with an interest in Point-of Care blood analysis.

Henrik Beckman

HEMS doctor and Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Karlstad Hospital. Topic: epoc blood analysis in Värmland

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